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PipeProcessor Module


Bases: Pipeline

Class to sequentially process an arbitrary number of pandas.DataFrame.pipe functions.

Source code in dpipes/
class PipeProcessor(Pipeline):
    Class to sequentially process an arbitrary number of pandas.DataFrame.pipe functions.

    def __call__(self, df):
        if self.kwargs:
            self.funcs = make_partials(self.funcs, self.kwargs)
        return functools.reduce(lambda _df, trans: _df.pipe(trans), self.funcs, df)


Source code in dpipes/
def __call__(self, df):
    if self.kwargs:
        self.funcs = make_partials(self.funcs, self.kwargs)
    return functools.reduce(lambda _df, trans: _df.pipe(trans), self.funcs, df)


Bases: PipeProcessor

Class to sequentially process an arbitrary number of pandas.DataFrame.pipe functions by column.

Source code in dpipes/
class ColumnPipeProcessor(PipeProcessor):
    Class to sequentially process an arbitrary number of pandas.DataFrame.pipe functions by column.

    def __init__(
        funcs: T.Sequence[T.Callable],
        cols: T.Optional[T.Union[str, T.Sequence[T.Union[str, T.Sequence[str]]]]],
        Instantiate processor.

        funcs: Sequence[Callable]
            An iterable collection of user-defined functions. Function signatures should match
            `func(df, cols)`, where `df` is a pandas.DataFrame and `cols` is an optional list of
            columns to apply functions to.
        cols: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[str, Sequence[str]]]
            An iterable collection of columns to apply respective functions to. If a single string
            or single list of strings is passed they will be broadcast across the sequence of

            A processed DataFrame.
        if cols:
            # broadcast single string or single list
            if isinstance(cols, str) or (
                isinstance(cols, T.Sequence) and all(isinstance(x, str) for x in cols)
                self.funcs = [functools.partial(f, cols=cols) for f in funcs]

                self._check_args(funcs, cols)
                self.funcs = [
                    functools.partial(f, cols=c) if c else f
                    for f, c in zip(funcs, cols)

        else:  # apply funcs to entire dataframe
            self.funcs = funcs

funcs = [functools.partial(f, cols=cols) for f in funcs] instance-attribute

__init__(funcs, cols)

Instantiate processor.


Name Type Description Default
funcs T.Sequence[T.Callable]

An iterable collection of user-defined functions. Function signatures should match func(df, cols), where df is a pandas.DataFrame and cols is an optional list of columns to apply functions to.

cols T.Optional[T.Union[str, T.Sequence[T.Union[str, T.Sequence[str]]]]]

An iterable collection of columns to apply respective functions to. If a single string or single list of strings is passed they will be broadcast across the sequence of functions.



Type Description

A processed DataFrame.

Source code in dpipes/
def __init__(
    funcs: T.Sequence[T.Callable],
    cols: T.Optional[T.Union[str, T.Sequence[T.Union[str, T.Sequence[str]]]]],
    Instantiate processor.

    funcs: Sequence[Callable]
        An iterable collection of user-defined functions. Function signatures should match
        `func(df, cols)`, where `df` is a pandas.DataFrame and `cols` is an optional list of
        columns to apply functions to.
    cols: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[Union[str, Sequence[str]]]
        An iterable collection of columns to apply respective functions to. If a single string
        or single list of strings is passed they will be broadcast across the sequence of

        A processed DataFrame.
    if cols:
        # broadcast single string or single list
        if isinstance(cols, str) or (
            isinstance(cols, T.Sequence) and all(isinstance(x, str) for x in cols)
            self.funcs = [functools.partial(f, cols=cols) for f in funcs]

            self._check_args(funcs, cols)
            self.funcs = [
                functools.partial(f, cols=c) if c else f
                for f, c in zip(funcs, cols)

    else:  # apply funcs to entire dataframe
        self.funcs = funcs