Source code for stringcluster.base

"""Module for de-duplicating arrays of strings."""
import re
from typing import List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import linear_kernel

STOP_TOKENS = r'[\W_]+|(corporation$)|(corp.$)|(corp$)|(incorporated$)|(inc.$)|(inc$)|(company$)|(common$)|(com$)'

Data = Union[List, pd.Series, np.ndarray]

[docs]class StringCluster(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ Transformer for de-duplicating an array-like container of strings. Attributes ---------- ngram_size: int Size of ngrams to use in TfidfVectorizer. threshold: float Threshold to determine similarities; only samples above this number are flagged as similar. stop_tokens: re.Pattern RegEx pattern of stop tokens for use in TfidfVectorizer. vec: TfidfVectorizer Scikit-Learn TfidfVectorizer. similarity_: np.ndarray Array of labels_: np.ndarray Methods ------- fit(X: Data, y: Optional[Data] = None) Fit the transformer to data. transform(X: Data, y: Optional[Data] = None) Transform the data. fit_transform(X: Data, y: Optional[Data] = None, **fit_params) Fit and transform the data. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ngram_size: int = 2, threshold: float = 0.8, stop_tokens: str = r'[\W_]+'): """ Instantiate a StringCluster object. Parameters ---------- ngram_size: int Size of ngrams to use in TfidfVectorizer; default 2. threshold: float Threshold to determine similarities; default 0.8; must be between [0, 1]. stop_tokens: re.Pattern RegEx pattern of stop tokens for use in TfidfVectorizer; default r'[\W_]+'. """ self.ngram_size = ngram_size self.threshold = threshold self.stop_tokens = re.compile(stop_tokens) self.vec = TfidfVectorizer(analyzer='char_wb', ngram_range=(ngram_size, ngram_size))
[docs] def fit(self, X: Data, y: Optional[Data] = None) -> "StringCluster": """ Fit the transformer to data. Parameters ---------- X: Data Array like object containing duplicated strings. y: Optional[Data] Optional array like object containing 'master list' of values to map similar samples to. Returns ------- StringCluster Self. """ self.similarity_ = self._get_cosine_similarity(X, y) self.labels_ = self._get_labels() return self
[docs] def transform(self, X: Data, y: Optional[Data] = None) -> pd.Series: """ Transform data. Parameters ---------- X: Data Array like object containing duplicated strings. y: Optional[Data] Optional array like object containing 'master list' of values to map similar samples to. Returns ------- pd.Series Pandas Series of de-duplicated values. """ if not hasattr(self, 'labels_'): raise AttributeError(".fit() method must be called before .transform() method.") if y: return pd.Series(y)[self.labels_].reset_index(drop=True) return pd.Series(X)[self.labels_].reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] def fit_transform(self, X: Data, y: Optional[Data] = None, **fit_params) -> pd.Series: """ Fit and transform the data. Parameters ---------- X: Data Array like object containing duplicated strings. y: Optional[Data] Optional array like object containing 'master list' of values to map similar samples to. fit_params: Optional kwargs; for compatibility, only. Returns ------- pd.Series Pandas Series of de-deduplicated values. """ return, y).transform(X, y)
def _get_labels(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Get labels based on similarity scores and given threshold. Notes ----- Similarity scores greater than the given threshold are replaced with 1 to setup argmax method for identifying and grouping similar samples. This causes duplicates to be renamed to the first version within the series. For example, given a series of ['Intel Corp', 'Intel', 'Intel Incorporated'], all three will be renamed to first sample-- i.e. 'Intel Corp'. This also helps reduce the number of inter-group versions which should be replaced with a single version. Returns ------- np.ndarray An array of similarity scores. If `y` is given, the array will be shape n_samples by len(y); if no `y` is given, array will be shape n_samples by n_samples. """ return np.where(self.similarity_ > self.threshold, 1., self.similarity_).argmax(1) # type: ignore def _get_cosine_similarity(self, X: Data, y: Optional[Data] = None) -> np.ndarray: """Get cosine similarity using fitted TfidfVectorizer and Linear Kernel.""" if y: a, b = self._clean_series(X), self._clean_series(y) else: a, b = self._clean_series(X), self._clean_series(X) return linear_kernel(self.vec.transform(a), self.vec.transform(b)) # type: ignore def _clean_series(self, X: Data) -> pd.Series: """Clean series of string values.""" return pd.Series(X).apply(self._clean_string) # type: ignore def _clean_string(self, string: str) -> str: """Remove stop tokens and strip whitespace.""" return self.stop_tokens.sub(' ', string.lower()).strip()
[docs]def dedupe_companies(): """Deduplicate a list of publicly traded companies.""" series = pd.read_csv('../data/companies.csv')['company'] c = StringCluster(ngram_size=2, stop_tokens=STOP_TOKENS) labs = c.fit_transform(series) return pd.DataFrame({'actual': series.reset_index(drop=True), 'label': labs})
if __name__ == '__main__': import time start = time.time() res = dedupe_companies() stop = time.time() print(res) print(f'Process took {stop-start} seconds.')